Small Island Developing States: On the Frontlines of the Climate Emergency

Submitted by Ase Johannessen | published 9th Feb 2023 | last updated 22nd Feb 2024
How Adaptation Can Help Small Island Developing States
Islands adaptation

Small Island Developing States: On the Frontlines of the Climate Emergency

Climate change poses a significant threat to the sustainable development and societal well-being of Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

Adaptation and mitigation measures must be scaled up significantly to ensure long-term water security and disaster risk reduction of SIDS.

Accessing finance for climate resilience is one of the key challenges. Many SIDS experience significant shortfalls in investment needed to build resilient infrastructure and strengthen capacity for adaptation and resilience building.

Adaptation efforts informed by community, indigenous and traditional knowledge are essential for enhancing resilience.

Water Adaptation Community Resources

The Water Adaptation Community (WAC) launched the Water Adaptation Advocacy Platform to put forward recommendations and insights emerging from the experience of water practitioners across the globe, with the aim to advance thinking, engagement and action for water-centered climate adaptation.

As part of this knowledge sharing, we have produced informative and downloadable resources for the wider community.

Factsheet: Small Island Developing States: On the Frontline of the Climate Emergency

Poster: SIDS: On the Frontline of the Climate Emergency

Webinar: Large Ocean States and Small Islands: On the frontlines of the climate emergency