Nitya Jacob

I am passionate about water issues and where they intersect with human lives. I've strong skills in communication, networking and advocacy.

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Farming on the rooftop

Micro-gardening in Dakar

Dakar houses approximately 25% of Senegal's population. To provide its inhabitants with alternative supply solutions, the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation in collaboration with the government of Senegal, the Municipality of Dakar, and several NGOs launched the project for micro-gardening in 1999.

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uraban farming

Urban farming in Tanzania

The importance of urban agriculture in Tanzania is an integral part of the urban economy. It is found everywhere in towns and cities. The cultivation of crops, and especially vegetables is a common and widespread phenomenon making urban agriculture a widely accepted fact of life.

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Zai pits

Zai, rainwater harvesting in Chad

Farmers in Chad’s semi-arid Sahelian zone have been using an indigenous rainwater harvesting technique called Zaï to successfully grow crops. Zaï involves the digging of small pits and sowing crops in them. The pits retain water for a long period of time and are particularly efficient when there isn’t much rain.

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Rooftop garden

Rooftop farming in Cairo

Rooftop farming has been used in Cairo, Egypt, as an adaptation intervention that acts to reduce localised heat stress, improve living conditions and generate income. The prevailing flat roof-tops across the region provide a good basis for such an intervention.
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island of fiji

Large Ocean States (Small Pacific Islands) Webinar

LOS/Small Islands on the frontlines of the climate emergency - webinar" was held on Tuesday 29 Nov 2022 CET 6.00-7.45  / FJT 17:00-18:45 

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Mainstreaming water adaptation for climate resilience

Water governance is often not fit to respond to the adaptation challenges, being fragmented and insufficiently integrated with climate change planning. National, provincial and municipal governments and water boards hold different responsibilities for putting in place good water governance but sometimes lack capacity and coordination. Therefore, the current water crisis is very much a governance crisis exacerbated by climate change

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