All articles for the topic: Floating

Floating Future article by Stean Huebner, AsiaGlobal Online

Sustainable Floating City, Past and Present

A landmark sustainable floating city pilot project in the South Korean port of Busan is likely to be a herald for effective climate adaptation, offering a commercially viable model for other cities and regions at risk of flooding from rising sea levels and other potential coastline disasters, writes historian Stefan Huebner of the Asian Research Institute at National University of Singapore. 
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Amphi Nest, India's first amphibious building prototype

'Amphi Nest', India's first amphibious prototype

Amphi Nest is India's first working prototype of a flood-resilient amphibious building. NestAbide is working on amphibious houses and other flood-resistant projects for people living in flood-prone areas. It rests on the ground like an ordinary house, but its buoyant foundation lifts it up and floats when floodwaters come.

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Impressions of large-scale floating cities

Legal Framework for Floating Cities

Floating city development has been recognized as a solution to climate change. The Netherlands is a front-runner when it comes to living on water. The blog describes the legal challenges that need to be overcome in order to realize large scale floating cities.

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Bartels and Vedder floating house in The Netherlands

Floating Development Policy

Dutch regulations on floating development are often used by other countries. We republish here in Dutch the guide that maps the bottlenecks in being able to comply with the technical regulations in the Building Decree 2012 and indicate how these can be resolved.

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Floating city development

Sustainable Floating City Development

To cope with the future challenges of the growing world population and land scarcity, new solutions to build cities and grow food should be developed. Building floating structures on water could be a solution to gain the space we need for urbanization and food production.

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Floating Development

Webinar: Floating Development

Introducing the concept of floating development, speakers provided examples from Europe and Asia on how this is a viable and ecologically better alternative to land reclamation. These included floating power generation systems, recreational and commercial spaces, etc.

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