All articles for the topic: Gabon

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Libreville, Gabon: Rapid climate risk assessment

The Global Center on Adaptation has completed the city scoping and rapid climate risk assessment for Libreville, Gabon. The study identifies different climate-related hazards for the city as exclusion of vulnerable people, heat island effects, decrease of air quality and decrease of quality of citizens’ health.

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Mitigation: Gabon has committed to a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, by 2025 and compared to a business as usual scenario. This commitment focuses solely on emissions and not carbon storage by biomass. Gabon will achieve these reductions across sectors. Within the context of land use change Gabon will manage emissions through the conservation of areas and encouraging best forestry practices. In the context of petroleum production efforts will be made to reduce emissions from gas flaring, while in the case of local use fossil fuels emissions will be mitigated by increased efficiency and the development of low carbon energy sources. Emission reductions will also be made in the fields of transportation and waste management, further study is being conducted to determine the most effective mitigation methods in these sectors.

Adaptation: Gabon believes adaptation is most effective when it is harmonized with existing economic development strategy, and adaptation investment is used to promote national sustainable development and reduce vulnerability to climate change. Gabon is focusing on coastal adaptation, given the significance of coastal areas and their vulnerability to sea level rise. Adaptation efforts include promoting various income generating activities related to coastal ecosystems, as well as the preservation of those coastal ecosystems and resources like mangroves that naturally reduce vulnerability to climate change. The construction of physical coastal barriers, and beach/bank restoration and rehabilitation, are also being considered. International Climate and Environmental Commitments: The Paris Agreement (Party), United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Party), Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Party), United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (Party), Convention on Biological Diversity (Party), Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (Party), Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Party)


Gabon's NDC-SDG Connections

Gabon is a heavily forested, coastal, West African country within the Congo Basin. Gabon is considered very natural resource rich )in terms of timber, oil, and minerals) and it is experiencing rapid economic growth and urbanization when compared to other similar African country (largely resulting from oil production).

Gabon is also very vulnerable to climate change, particularly along it's coast and within the sectors of agriculture, water, forestry, infrastructure, energy, and health, and global mitigation may reduce the contributions oil production makes to the national economy.

Gabon is very active within international forestry and climate change research, actively working to increase national value additions to natural resource exports and adapt coastal communities and infrastructure to possible climate change impacts.



International Commitments and Reporting

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

Nationally Determined Contribution Under the Paris Agreement -

NDC Monitoring and Reporting

World Bank Country Factsheet on Intended NDCs - World Bank’s Climate Knowledge Portal - Climate Action Tracker - ClimateWatch Profile - NDC Partnership Page -

SDG Voluntary National Review

Gabon has not completed a Voluntary National Review, and is not scheduled to complete a review, but future reviews and other relevant sources can be found here -

National SDG Monitoring and Reporting

World Bank Overview - UNDP's Open SDG Data Hub -

NDCs and SDGs

Mapping of NDC-SDG Connections

Mapping of NDC-SDG Connections -

NDCs, SDGs, and Climate Change

NDC Partnership Dashboard on NDCs and relation to the SDGs and Climate Change Vulnerability -

Emissions Data

Gabon does not currently have a dynamic online emissions tracking platform, but national emissions reporting can be found within this report - The ClimateWatch profile may provide one more recent assessment of greenhouse gas emissions -

Sendai and Hyogo Frameworks

National Progress Report on the Implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action - National Report in Preparation for the World Conference on Disaster Reduction - Decree No. 0672 on the creation, power, and operations of the National Platform for the Prevention and Reduction of Disaster Risk -

National Coordination and Reporting

National Appropriate Mitigation Actions

No Action to date -

National Strategies Related to International Mechanisms

Convention to Combat Desertification National Action Programme -
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan -

National Regulations/Policies

Plan Strategique Gabon Emergent -
Law no 002/2014 on sustainable development -
Decree No. 0122 setting the responsibilities, organization and functioning of the National Council on Climate Change -
National Strategy on Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change -
Loi n° 007/2014 du 01 août 2014 relative à la protection de l'environnement en République gabonaise -
Decree No. 000925 establishing responsibilities, organization and functioning of the National Commission on Sustainable Development -
Loi n°023/2008 du 10 décembre 2008 portant politique de développement agricole durable -
Plan stratégique pour le développement durable de la Pêche et de l’aquaculture (Potentialités-contraintes-politique sectorielle et programme prioritaire quinquennal 2011-2016) -
Loi n° 003/2007 relative aux parcs nationaux -
Decree No. 0919 on the establishment, responsibilities and organization of the General Directorate of Meteorology -
Ordonnance n°008/PR/2010 du 25 février 2010 portant modification et abrogation de certaines dispositions de la loi n°16/01 du 31 décembre 2001 portant Code Forestier en République Gabonaise -
Lettre de Politique Sectorielle Forêt, pêche et aquaculture aires protégées, environnement et formation 2004 -

Reviews of National Legislation and Policy

London School of Economics: National Climate Legislation -


Key Areas of Climate Investment

Financing for sustainable ecosystem management -
Financing engagement with international climate change platforms and completion of required reporting -
Financing adaptation planning -
Financing readiness for engagement with REDD + -
Financing the management of human and wildlife interactions -
Financing the expansion of public transport -

National Trust Fund

Research suggests Gabon is considering the creation of a Gabon Adaptation Fund, but it does not appear to be established as of this profile's creation.

Selected Relevant Sources of Climate Related Funding

Climate Funds Update -
OECD Climate Change -
OECD Investment for Green Growth -
African Development Bank Group -

Multilateral Funders

Gabon receives climate funding from the World Bank, Forest Carbon Partnership Facility, the Islamic Development Bank, the Global Environment Facility, the Green Climate Fund, the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, among others.

Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Planning

Vulnerability/Adaptation Capacity Data

Notre Dame's Global Adaptation Initiative Vulnerability/Readiness Climate Change Index -
Environmental Performance Index -

Natural Disaster/Hazards

Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery -
PreventionWeb -

Energy Supply and Demand

Key Energy Statistics -

Land Use

Carbon pools and multiple benefits of mangroves in Central Africa: Assessment for REDD+ -
How Existing Legal Frameworks Shape Forest Conversion to Agriculture -
Evaluation des Ressources Forestieres Mondiales 2015 -
Congo Basin Forest Loss Dominated by Increasing Smallholder Clearing -

Economic Development/Quality of Life and Livelihoods

Economic Governance in Gabon: Assessment of the Plan Stratégique Gabon Emergent on the Business Environment -
Human Livelihoods and Protected Areas in Gabon: A cross-sectional comparison of welfare and consumption patterns -
Changes in Livelihood Practices, Strategies and Dependence on Bushmeat in Two Provinces in Gabon -

Summaries of Programming and Priorities

Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment in Gabon's Second National Communication -
Review of Current Planned and Adaptation Action -

Case Studies

Islamic Development Bank Reports

IsDB Country Page -

Climate, Climate Change, and Environmental Data

Natural Disaster/Hazards Data

ThinkHazard -

Energy Supply and Demand Data

Renewable Energy Mapping -

Land Use Data

FAOStat -

Weather/Meteorological Data

World Meteorological Organization Profile -
Gabonese Studies and Space Observations Agency -

<span class="isdb-tag">Agriculture Fishing Forestry Sector</span> <span class="isdb-tag"> Coastal Management and Planning</span> <span class="isdb-tag"> Sustainable Transport</span> <span class="isdb-tag"> Hydropower</span> <span class="isdb-tag"> Solar Power</span> <span class="isdb-tag"> Education and Public Awareness</span> <span class="isdb-tag"> Gas Flaring</span> <span class="isdb-tag"> Energy Efficiency </span>

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