15th November, COP23: Climate Services for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs)

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Climate Services for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs)
15 November 2017: 17:00 p.m to 18:15 p.m
European Union (EU) Pavilion, Bonn Zone

Improved climate information and services are essential for all countries to manage climatic risk in climate-sensitive sectors such as agriculture, water, health, disaster risk reduction etc., and take advantage of climate opportunities to increase productivity and reduce uncertainty that has limited decision-making in climate risk management and adaptation practice. Today, climate services availability and application are weakest in the places that need them most – climate-vulnerable developing countries. Small Island States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs), owing to their geographic and socio-economic circumstances represent, today, the most vulnerable and least capable of coping with climate-related extreme events such as droughts, floods, storms, heat/cold waves (UNISDR Poverty & Death: Disaster mortality 1996-2015 (2016).

This side event brings together partners collaborating under the Global Framework for Climate Services who are implementing activities to help SIDS and LDCs understand, access, develop, and use climate information and services in support of decision-making and adaptation action in climate-sensitive sectors.

The side event will provide insights from climate services providers, intermediaries and users on progress being made on co-development, interpretation and use of climate information and services. Panelists will share experiences, lessons learned and opportunities for sustaining and institutionalizing climate services in national adaptation processes through specific actions and interventions in SIDS and LDSc. 

SEI will be presenting "Lessons and good practices that are leading to the development of guidelines for co-design and delivering effective climate services" including insights from the Future Resilience for African Cities and Lands (FRACTAL) project in southern Africa and other work ongoing under SEI's Climate Services Initiative.

Find more information on the event here.

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