All articles for the topic: urban farming

Urban farming group in Nairobi (Kayole Mtaa Safi)

Urban farming in Nairobi

In Nairobi, several communities, both rich and poor, started urban farming during the COVID-19 pandemic. Supported by government policies and NGO programs, people in informal settlements and gated communities grew their own food and livestock to supplement what they could buy and enhance their nutrition.

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Urban agri'culture'

Casablanca's 360 urban farming project

Urban farming in Casablance, Morocco, has encompassed several issues such as land, water availability, market linkages and empowerment of women, in addition to providing nutrition to practicing families.

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Urban farming

Nakuru's urban crop cultivators

More than a quarter of Nakuru households could be classified as ‘urban crop cultivators’ and about a fifth as ‘urban livestock keepers’. The cultivation of a vegetable, known as sukuma wiki, that is the local name for a green, leafy vegetable of the spinach variety (Spinacea oleracea) is very popular.
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