Nitya Jacob

I am passionate about water issues and where they intersect with human lives. I've strong skills in communication, networking and advocacy.

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Mira River

Colombia: Community participation in adaptation through food security

The 90.8-km-long Mira River connects several ecosystems, from mangroves along the Pacific coast through humid tropical forests to cloud forests and scrublands at the river’s origins in the Andes mountains. This case study describes the impacts of climate change on the delta's ecosystems.

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Managing Water Resources and Disaster Risk in Bangladesh

Bangladesh occupies the world’s largest delta, making it highly vulnerable to recurrent natural disasters. However, the delta, if properly managed, could also be an engine of economic growth. The country recently adopted the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100.

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Pit toilets are vulnerable to climate change

WASH and Climate Change: Two Mutual Blind Spots

Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), vital to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 6, have a blind spot for climate change. Similarly, the climate change community is blind to the importance of WASH. This article elaborates on how the two communities have circled each other, without really engaging.

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Forests need additional funds for adequate protection

Forest Resilience Bonds enable private investments to mitigate wildfires and drought

Prolonged droughts in the western USA have led to the need to bring in private investments to mitigate wildfires, floods and erosion. Forest Resilience Bonds are a public-partnership model to bring new resources for management and are gaining ground rapidly.

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Panoramic view of Dodoma, Tanzania's capital city

Dodoma, Tanzania - Rapid Climate Risk Assessment

The Global Center on Adaptation has completed the city scoping and rapid climate risk assessment for Dodoma, Tanzania. The study identifies different climate-related hazards for the city, including floods, coastal erosion, and water scarcity.

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Mohammed V Palace in Conakry

Conakry, Guinea: City Scoping and Rapid Climate Risk Assessment

The Global Center on Adaptation has completed the city scoping and rapid climate risk assessment for Conakry, Guinea. The study identifies different climate-related hazards for the city, including floods, coastal erosion, and water scarcity.

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